Sunday, March 7, 2010

Nana Lynda

We had a great visit from Nana Lynda last week or maybe the week before, they all blend together sometimes. Anyway, we (especially Calla) had a great time hanging out and playing with Nana. We did not leave the house much during her visit because Calla was getting over a cold and Mom and Dad's colds were just starting. So we had several days when we were all home with Nana and Calla playing (yeah), while mom and dad were napping!

Family Hug!

Cheers everyone! Calla is hiding behind her water bottle.

Calla loves to ride on shoulders now. What could be better than having your own personnel horse! Faster Daddy, Faster!

Check out what I made Nana.

Do not ask me what those two are doing? But it looks like they are having fun! I think Nana wants to go back to Kindergarten, she had way to much fun playing with Calla.


Calla loves her bath time and her duckies!

1 comment:

Nana said...

YES, I LOVED my visit and can't wait to visit again for Calla's
2nd birthday next month. Spring will be nice, too. Have a good weekend everyone.

Love you, Nana Lynda