Thursday, July 10, 2008

Calla has been very busy since Grandma Cindy left. On Friday we had a BBQ to celebrate the 4th of July with some friends. We had a 3month old (Calla), a 7 month old, and an almost 2yr old, their parents, and even one couple without kids. Our lives have certainly changed over the last year.
On Monday we made our last visit to the ophthalmologist in Eugene and she got a clean bill of health on her retina development. This was her last health obstacle and we are happy to see our little daughter developing so well and so healthy!!!

Calla is now getting on somewhat of a schedule. She wakes up around 6am everyday and then takes a 3 hour nap from 9-12. I love this time because I can get lots of work done around the house and sometimes even take a nap. Here are a few pictures of the last few days. Enjoy!!

Calla loves to be upright and to look around at everything around her. She even showed Grandma a first tentative smile!

This is our friend Billie and Calla. Billie and Calla are going to hang out while Scott and I are at work in August.

Calla loves to "hang-out" in her favorite chair.

The very first toy that Calla showed any interest in was this elephant from her soon to be Aunt Charlotte. Thanks!!


Nana said...

OK...I am officially, completely in love with my granddaughter! Nine more I come!

I love you, Grandma Lynda

Anonymous said...

I love how Calla is sticking her tounge out! Ha!