Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Girls Visit Ohio

The Shaff Girls and I had a very exciting week. Last Friday I boarded a plan with Calla and Hannah (yes, no Scott) and we flew from Oregon to Ohio. The girls were GREAT!! Calla made friends in both airports we had layovers in and they made me laugh many times. Yes there were moments when I was ready to pull my hair out (like when Calla was eating Cheerios as fast as she could trying to keep herself awake), but the trip was great. My family loved having the girls for a visit.
Hannah wore herself out smileing at the family. She even learned to roll over while we were there.

Calla, Grandpa, and Grandma feeding the ducks.

A boat ride.
Calla teaching papa how to "feed" the babies.

Calla giving Grandma and Hannah a ride on the swing.

Calla having a rare moment of quite time.

Grandma and "Happy" Hannah.

Playing in the leaves.

Calla enjoying a ride from uncle Tom.

Calla raking the leaves for Papa.

Off to the park.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Burn piles, Pumkins, Hay Rides, and Hiking; It must be Fall

We had a great October weekend. I started it off by burning my yard debris that I have been accumulating for the past 11 months. Wow, we have been in our new house for 11 months now and we are still hanging pictures. Oh well, that is life with two little people! On Saturday we went to the local farm for a hayride, pumkins, and climbing on a hay pyramid. Then today we went on a great hike with the whole family. Everyone did great and Calla actually hiked about 2 miles of the 4 mile hike. What a great little hiker we have!!

My burn pile that took 11 months to build and only about 45 minutes to burn down.

The sisters hanging out on some hay.

Calla jumping off a hay bale. Calla now loves to jump off anything and everything.

Climbing with dad!

Searching for the perfect Calla pumkin with mom and Hannah.

I found it!

Looking cool in the pumkin patch! And making sure no one takes our pumkin!

Post hike snack in the car, Calla had a great time hiking!
Hannah looking cute on the trail during lunch.

Family photo on the bridge, even got Aspen in the photo.

Calla enjoying her PBandJ while sitting on the bridge.

It is getting close to Halloween, so we had to throw in Calla and Aspen looking their scariest!

Our friend the Rough-skinned Newt we met on the hike!

Calla and Daddy having fun touching trees.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Sisterly Love and Family Smiles

Calla loves her baby sister and is always close by her side when they are both awake. Hannah loves to watch her big sister run around the house and be silly. They are going to be a pair once Hannah starts to move!

Hannah showing Daddy her beautiful smile.

Hannah is finally developing some patience with tummy time. Here we even got her to smile.

Calla is always taking care of her babies, "Baby Abbey" and "Baby Cinderella". She loves to set her chairs up around Hannah and the babies and Calla sit and talk to Hannah.