Sunday, May 4, 2008

My own crib

Isolette, I do not need no isolette!

That is right, my big surprise is I moved out of my isolette last night and moved into an open crib. I knew last night that I weighed 3 lbs. and 15 oz. so I am big enough now to better maintain my own body heat. I still have to be wrapped up burrito style in a few blankets, but that is better than living in a closed in box. I now have the same bed as all the other kids in my room.
My best friend and neighbor, Madison, was just told her parents can take her home today to Albany. I am excited for her, but I will miss her.

My new digs are so comfortable.


rebecca said...

We'll see you tonight baby Calla! Can't wait to check out the new crib!

Nana said...

Yea, Calla! Another major milestone!!! You go girl!!! :) Grandpa and I are moving upstairs while our bedroom is being remodeled. I don't think our upstair digs are going to be as comfortable as you look right now! You can see our new digs when you come to visit though! Oh happy day!
Love you! Grandma Lynda

Anonymous said...

I just love your blog. Keep them coming. Had my birthday breakfast with Grandma Lynda today. We were discussing grand children and Lynda was able to say she had one, very proudly.
Best wishes for you all. You are all doing a fabulous job.

Anonymous said...

Hi Calla,
you look so comfortable in your bed. I am so proud of you. Do you miss your friend ,Madison? Hopefully you will start sucking and swallowing this week.
I Love You,
Grandma Cindy

Anonymous said...

Snug as a little bug in a rug. just presh. Exciting new move...