Friday, April 18, 2008

Yes, Calla Elizabeth Shaff had her Way and decided to take on the world 10 weeks early. It has been quite the ride since Saturday at around 10:30pm. Courtney started to feel some contractions so we called the hospital and they told us to come in. We figured they would tell us to go home, but instead told us that Courtney was in labor and they wisked us down to Sacred Heart Hospital in Eugene, since they have a great NICU. Courtney in an ambulance and me following closely behind in the Corolla. They were able to slow down the labor and we settled into the hospital for a couple of days while Courtney had contraction off and on everyday until Tuesday, April 15 around 3pm. Then Courtney went into active labor and everything happened really fast. Then at 6:08pm Calla Elizabeth Shaff came into the world.

She weighed in at 3 lbs. 2 oz. and 15 3/4 inches. I am not sure how long we are going to say Courtney was in labor, either 3 hours or 68 hours? Anyway you put it, Courtney did an amazing job! Courtney and little Calla are doing great.

Calla is doing great and got off her oxygen tube attached to her nose on Thursday morning. And we found out this morning she is going to get off of her IV tube that is in her hand this afternoon. So she now has a lot fewer wires and tubes attached to her than the first few days, but still quite a few though. Courntey and I have been able to hold her to our chest everyday and that has been amazing.

Here are a few pictures from this morning below. This was the most awake she has been after layng on Daddy's chest with both eyes opened and just looking at Mom, Grandma Cindy, and Dad being very content. It was the first time I felt that we got to truely meet her.
She is already growing so fast.

Thank you everyone for all the support you have offered us though you thoughts, prayers, phone calls, and emails. We really appreciate all of it and is helping us get though all of this. Calla will probably be in the NICU for 5-6 weeks, so we still have a lot ahead of us. But for now the doctors tell us she is at the top of her class and is a strong little girl. We checked out of the hospital yesterday and are now staying at the Lion's Club Guest house which is an amazing place for people to stay while they have loved ones in the hospital. It is the same thing as a Ronald McDonald House if you are familar with that. All we have to say is that is an amazing service and we now have our favorite charity!

That is it for now becasue I have to go see my little girl. I will post more thoughts and pictures in the near furture.


Nana said...

Grandma Lynda and Grandpa Bob are SO proud of you, Calla AND Mom and Dad. What a terrific team you make! We can not wait until we can see and hold you. One week from today on the 25th of April we will meet!
All our love and prayers!

Abbey said...

Hi! How are you guys doing? Calla looks really nice and cute. I hope she grows up to love you like I do.


Jordan K said...

It's me Jordan. Congratulations on the birth of Calla! Hope all is well. I'll make sure to keep Calla, Scott, and Courtney in my hopes, dreams, and prayers. Calla is a BRAVE and STRONG baby girl!

Love you with all my heart,
~Jordan ☺☺

Tami Korb said...
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